
Automate Conversation Labelling

Automatically tag and organize customer chats based on conversation keywords


Label Automation

Enhance chat tagging with Zaapi's automated labelling system. Set your keywords, and Zaapi automatically tags chats, letting you quickly segment inquiries, build a structured database, and send targeted broadcasts.

View Tagging Data in the Dashboard

Zaapi allows you to analyze the number of labels applied to customer chats over time enabling you to identify actionable trends.


Segment Your Broadcasts With Labels

Zaapi enables you to send broadcast messages through LINE OA to specific customer groups who have been automatically tagged based on predefined keywords. For example, you can target customers who have made a payment or those who requested product returns. This ensures greater personalization and higher engagement.

Filter Chats More Effectively

Group your conversations by subject using label automation combined with conversation filters, so you only see the chats that matter to you.


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